ComponentUnified Fields

Unified Form Inputs

This template consolidates the Label, Radio, and Checkbox components into one unified, easy-to-understand structure. It provides clear guidelines, usage examples, and best practices for implementing these components effectively.


Use this template to design consistent form controls for single or multiple selections (radio buttons, checkboxes) and for contextual metadata display (labels). This approach ensures reusability and simplicity in design.



Labels provide textual context to form controls, improving clarity and accessibility.

  • Variants:

    • Default: Neutral styling.
    • Colored: Variants like primary, success, danger for contextual emphasis.
  • Code Example:

    <Label variant="success" size="large">Success</Label>
  • Props:

    variantdefaultStyle variant of the label.
    sizesmallRender size: small or large.


Radio buttons allow users to make a single selection from a group of options.

  • Usage:

    • Use in a group context only.
    • Implement validation at the group level.
  • Code Example:

    <div role="radiogroup" aria-labelledby="radio-group-label">
        <input type="radio" name="choice" value="option1" /> Option 1
        <input type="radio" name="choice" value="option2" /> Option 2
  • Props:

    valueRequiredUnique value used during form submission.
    nameRequiredGroups related radios together.
    checkedfalseControlled state for the radio.
    defaultCheckedfalseUncontrolled state for the radio.
    disabledfalseMakes the radio button non-interactive.
    onChangeCallback triggered when state changes.


Checkboxes allow users to select one or multiple options. They support three states: checked, unchecked, and indeterminate.

  • Usage:

    • Use for multiple selections or to toggle individual items.
    • Implement validation for the group instead of individual checkboxes.
  • Code Example:

        <input type="checkbox" value="option1" /> Option 1
        <input type="checkbox" value="option2" /> Option 2
  • Props:

    checkedfalseControlled state for the checkbox.
    defaultCheckedfalseInitial state for the checkbox.
    indeterminatefalseSets the indeterminate state for the checkbox.
    disabledfalseMakes the checkbox non-interactive.
    onChangeCallback triggered when state changes.
    valueUnique value used during form submission.

Unified Code Example

Here’s a complete example combining Label, Radio, and Checkbox into one form.

  <h3>Unified Input Example</h3>
  {/* Label */}
  <Label variant="primary" size="large">Form Title</Label>
  {/* Radio Group */}
    <legend>Select your preferred option:</legend>
      <input type="radio" name="preference" value="option1" /> Option 1
      <input type="radio" name="preference" value="option2" /> Option 2
  {/* Checkbox Group */}
    <legend>Select your hobbies:</legend>
      <input type="checkbox" value="reading" /> Reading
      <input type="checkbox" value="traveling" /> Traveling
      <input type="checkbox" value="coding" /> Coding

Best Practices

  1. Group Context:

    • Always render radios and checkboxes in a group with proper labels for accessibility.
    • Use fieldset and legend for better grouping semantics.
  2. Validation:

    • Display validation errors for groups, not individual inputs.
    • Ensure proper contrast and focus states.
  3. Accessibility:

    • Provide clear labels and use aria-labelledby or aria-describedby where needed.
    • Enable keyboard navigation.